

About Kerry:

My favorite photographers are Diane Arbus because she could see into people, and Sebastiao Salgado because I have never seen anyone treat light the way he does.

I usually don’t like photos of myself, but I do like this one. I took it myself while testing a lens out after a date with my husband, and maybe it was just because I wasn’t expecting to get anything out of it, but I like it. I like it because I think I look kind of cool…which I’m not, I’m way too goofy. I tell silly jokes too much, I’m a chronic victim of auto-correct, I sometimes snort when I laugh, and I’m stunningly uncoordinated. My hand-eye coordination is pretty great, but my legs and my brain have never communicated. I’m serious, I’ve knocked over entire tables before.

I am obsessed with my kids, the way that light settles into things, all of nature and animals, art, sugar, coffee, pasta, beautiful textures, music, and a little bit with my hair and fashion (I’ve had everything from a Mohawk to pink hair). The glass is either half full or completely kicked off into the gutter – who needs a glass anyway? Oh, and I love emojis.

My work:

I try to convey a mood with my imagery and hate to pose people. I look for the unpredictable, organic things that define us all. Color can be beautiful but I am obsessed with the power of black and white. When I look at good black and white photography I feel it in my soul, it’s how I began when I was eleven and first picked up a camera, a long time ago. I love the drama and emotion of it. It’s like reading a good book, instead of watching the movie version of the same story. I believe black and white leaves room for the viewer to fill in the blanks, and to feel more engaged.